

Itacaré is a top Bahian destination, frequently visited and appreciated by surfers and beach lovers. In Itacaré, Latin Exclusive offers vacation rentals, long term rentals and sales of beach houses and luxury villas.

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About Itacaré

About Itacaré

Itacaré has become one of Bahia's most famous coastal destinations, attracting visitors in all seasons not only for its fantastic beaches but also for its waterfalls and rivers in the middle of the Atlantic forest. Tourism in the region revolves 100% around what nature has to offer, so sports such as surfing, rafting and hiking in the forest are the most popular activities. To start exploring, simply walk the path of the four beaches (Praia da Engenhoca, Havaizinho, Praia Gamboa and Itacarezinho). Closer to the city are the beautiful Praia do Resende and the quieter Praia da Concha. It is best to plan to stay for a few days, as the lush nature is really relaxing.

Luxury vacation rentals in Itacaré

24 properties

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4 properties
A brief history about Itacaré

A brief history about Itacaré

In the past, a region inhabited by indigenous villages that lived off fishing and agriculture, Itacaré was colonized by the Portuguese in 1530; in 1732 the Jesuits founded a chapel dedicated to São Miguel and baptized the village around the chapel as "São Miguel da Barra do Rio de Contas", together with the municipality of Ubaitaba, which was called Itapira. The settlement became a municipality in 1931 and in 1933 Itacaré and Ubaitaba were dismembered. Until the mid-70s, Itacaré had as its main source of income the cultivation of cocoa. However, a crop infestation by parasites, resulted in a huge economic decline forcing the people of Itacaré to seek other alternatives such as the exploration of sustainable tourism.


Itacaré is a top Bahian destination, frequently visited and appreciated by surfers and beach lovers. In Itacaré, Latin Exclusive offers vacation rentals and sales of beach houses.

To start exploring Itacaré, simply walk the path of the four beaches (Praia da Engenhoca, Havaizinho, Praia Gamboa and Itacarezinho). Closer to the city are the beautiful Praia do Resende and the quieter Praia da Concha. It is best to plan to stay for a few days, as the lush nature is really relaxing.

In Itacaré we have both kind properties. Find out on our website the options available for rent or sales in this destination.